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  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  2. 5:1 This is the book of the           I Corinthians 15:45-50 And so it is     "likeness" (dmuwth)                     "likeness"                                                                      /
  3.   generations of Adam. In the day       written. The first man Adam was made     Resemblance, fashion, manner,           A reminder that God initially                                                /
  4.   that God created man, in the          a living soul; the last Adam was           similitude, likeness.                created man in His likeness and He                                            /
  5.   likeness of God made he him;          made a quickening spirit.                                                       created an innocent and obedient man                                          /
  6. 5:2 Male and female created he them;     Howbeit that was not first which is  "begat, begotten" (yalad)                 that He could communicate with in the                                         /
  7.   and blessed them, and called their    spiritual, but that which is natural;    To bear young, to bring forth young,   beauty of the garden. Following the                                           /
  8.   name Adam, in the day when they       and afterward that which is spiritual.  to show lineage, to begat.              initial act of disobedience Adam was                                          /
  9.   were created.                          The first man is of the earth,                                                 to multiple his offspring in sin and                                          /
  10. 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and        earthy: the second man is the Lord    "son" (ben)                               sorrow.  Man could no longer look                                             /
  11.   thirty years, and begat a son in      from heaven.                             A male offspring, a son.               upon the face of God which required                                           /
  12.   his own likeness, after his image;     As is the earthy, such are they also   (often used in a wide sense to          a more indirect communication with                                            /
  13.   and called his name Seth:             that are earthy: and is the heavenly,    include grandson, subject, nation,     the Lord.  We are informed that the                                           /
  14. 5:4 And the days of Adam after he       such are they also that are heavenly.    quality or condition)                  way to return to look upon the face                                           /
  15.   had begotten Seth were eight           And as we have borne the image of                                              of the Lord was through faith!  Prior                                         /
  16.   hundred years: and he begat sons      the earthy, we shall also bear the    "image" (tslem)                           to the deluge and for a period there-                                         /
  17.   and daughters:                        image of the heavenly.                   To shade, a phantom, an illusion, a    after there were many good human                                              /
  18. 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived     Now this I say, brethren, that flesh   shadow, a resemblance, an image.        witnesses to the true loving nature                                           /
  19.   were nine hundred and thirty          and blood cannot inherit the kingdom                                            of the Creator.  Later in the history                                         /
  20.   years: and he died.                   of God; neither doth corruption       "days" (yowm)                             of mankind the Law and the ceremonies                                         /
  21. 5:6 And Seth lived a hundred and        inherit incorruption.                    To be hot, a time span, an age,        were provided as a witness.  And                                              /
  22.   five years, and begat Enos:         Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed       life span, days.                        then there was sent the "second                                               /
  23. 5:7 And seth lived after he begat       unto men once to die, but after this                                            Adam", the Lord Jesus Christ in the                                           /
  24.   Enos eight hundred and seven          the judgment:                         "Adam" (adam)                             form of the offspring of Adam.                                                /
  25.   years, and begat sons and           I Corinthians 15:21-22 For since by man    Ruddy, a human being.                                                                                                /
  26.   daughters:                            came death, by man came also the                                              "and he died"                                                                   /
  27. 5:8 And all the days of Seth were       resurrection of the dead.                                                        Fallen man was doomed to die a                                               /
  28.   nine hundred and twelve years, and     For as in Adam all die, even so in                                             physical death unless the Lord deemed                                         /
  29.   he died.                              in Christ shall all be made alive.    "Seth" (sheth)                            it desirable to intercede, which he                                           /
  30. 5:9 And Enos lived ninety years, and                                             Appointed one, substituted.            has done on very few occasions. The                                           /
  31.   begat Cainan:                       I Chronicles 1:1-4 Adam, Sheth, Enosh,                                            Scriptures record only two instances                                          /
  32. 5:10 And Enos lived after he begat       Kenan, Mahalalaeel, Jered,                                                     in which a fallen human has been seen                                         /
  33.   Cainan eight hundred and fifteen       Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech,                                                    as deserving to avoid death.  Only                                            /
  34.   years, and begat sons and              Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth.         "Enos" (enowsh)                           Enoch (5:24) and Elijah (II Kings                                             /
  35.   daughters:                                                                     A mortal, mortal frailty.              2:11) have gone directly to be with                                           /
  36. 5:11 And all the days of Enos were    Luke 3:36-38 ...which was the son of                                              the Lord.                                                                     /
  37.   nine hundred and five years: and       Shem, which was the son of Noah,                                                                                                                             /
  38.   he died.                               which was the son of Lamech.                                                 "the generations"                                                               /
  39. 5:12 And Cainan lived seventy years,      Which was the son of Methuselah,    "Cainan" (qeynan)                          The following table summarizes the                                           /
  40.   and begat Mahalaleel:                  which was the son of Enoch, which       A smith, a craftsman.                  generations of Adam as given.                                                 /
  41. 5:13 And Cainan lived after he begat     was the son of Jared, which was the                                                                     CALCULATED?                                          /
  42.   Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty     son of Mahalaleel, which was the                                                                         YEARS FROM                                          /
  43.   years, and begat sons and              son of Cainan,                                                                           AGE    AGE AT  ADAM CREAT'N                                         /
  44.   daughters:                              Which was the son of Enos, which    "Mahalaleel" (mahalalel)                  NAME      TO SON  DEATH  BIRTH/DEATH                                          /
  45. 5:14 And all the days of Cainan were     was the son of Seth, which was the      God be praised.                                                                                                      /
  46.   nine hundred and ten years: and he     son of Adam, which was the son of                                             Adam        130     930      1    930                                          /
  47.   died.                                  God.                                                                          Seth        105     912    130   1042                                          /
  48. :15 And Mahalaleel lived sixty and                                                                                     Enos         90     905    235   1140                                          /
  49.   five years, and begat Jared:                                                "Jared" (yered)                          Cainan       70     910    325   1235                                          /
  50. 5:16 And Mahalaleel lived after he                                               A descent.                            Mahalaleel   65     895    395   1290                                          /
  51.   begat Jared eight hundred and                                                                                        Jared       162     962    460   1422                                          /
  52.   thirty years, and begat sons and                                                                                     Enoch        65     **     622    987                                          /
  53.   daughters:                                                                  "Enoch" (chanowk)                        Methuselah  187     969    687   1656                                          /
  54. 5:17 And all the days of Mahalaleel                                              Initiated, dedicated.                 Lamech      182     777    874   1651                                          /
  55.   were eight hundred ninety and five                                                                                   Noah        500           1056   2006                                          /
  56.   years: and he died.                                                                                                                                                                                 /
  57. 5:18 And Jared lived a hundred sixty  Hebrews 11:3-6 Through faith we under-   "walked" (halak)                       ** no physical death, translated at 365                                         /
  58.   and two years, and he begat Enoch:    stand that the worlds were framed by     To walk, to travel with, to comm-    Notes: Methuselah possibly died in the                                          /
  59. 5:19 And Jared lived after he begat     the word of God, so that things which   unicate with, to go along with.         year of the flood?  Only Noah would                                           /
  60.   Enoch eight hundred years, and        are seen were not made of things                                                be born after the death of Adam?                                              /
  61.   begat sons and daughters:             which do appear.                      "and was not" (ayin)                                                                                                    /
  62. 5:20 And all the days of Jared were      By faith Abel offered unto God a        To be nothing, to not exist.         "walked with the God"                                                           /
  63.   nine hundred sixty and two years:     more excellent sacrifice than Cain,                                             Notice that this phrase is repeated                                           /
  64.   and he died.                          by which he obtained witness that he   "took" (laqach)                         for emphasis.  Probably it is not                                              /
  65. 5:21 And Enoch lived sixty and five     was righteous, God testifying of his     To take, to fetch, to seize.          intended to portray that Enoch liter-                                          /
  66.   years, and begat Methuselah:          gifts: and by it he being dead yet                                             ally walked with the Lord as Adam and                                          /
  67. 5:22 And Enoch walked with God after    speaketh.                             "Methuselah" (methuwshelach)             Eve did in the garden.  For Enoch had                                          /
  68.   he begat Methuselah three hundred      By faith Enoch was translated that      Man of a dart, judgment.              also inherited the sin nature from                                             /
  69.   years, and begat sons and             he should not see death; and was not                                           Adam as had all the others before him.                                         /
  70.   daughters:                            found, because God had translated                                              Enoch's walk was a walk of faith in                                            /
  71. 5:23 And all the days of Enoch were     him: for before his translation he    "Lamech" (lemek)                         which he diligently desired to do as                                           /
  72.   three hundred sixty and five          had this testimony, that he pleased      Strong, conqueror.                    the Lord would have him to do.                                                 /
  73.   years:                                God.                                                                                                                                                          /
  74. 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and      But without faith it is impossible                                           "for God took him"                                                              /
  75.   he was not; for God took him.         to please him: for he that cometh to   "Noah"  (noach)                          Some scholars have proposed that it                                           /
  76. 5:25 And Methuselah lived a hundred     God must believe that he is, and that     Rest.                                does not say that Enoch was trans-                                             /
  77.   eighty and seven years, and begat     he is a rewarder of them that dilig-                                           ported to heaven.  That possibly it                                            /
  78.   Lamech:                               ently seek him.                       "comfort" (nacham)                       means that the Lord took him immedia-                                          /
  79. 5:26 And Methuselah lived after he    Jude 14-15 And Enoch also, the seventh     A sigh, to ease oneself, to           tely and spared him the pains of a                                             /
  80.   begat Lamech seven hundred eighty     from Adam, prophesied of these,         comfort, to repent onself              slow natural death.  But this is not                                           /
  81.   and two years, and begat sons and     saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with                                           how the writer of Hebrews understood                                           /
  82.   daughters:                            ten thousands of his saints,          "work and toil" (masaeh itstsabown)      this passage.  It meant "that he                                               /
  83. 5:27 And all the days of Methuselah      To execute judgment upon all, and        An action, labour;                   should not see death" for "that he                                             /
  84.   were nine hundred sixty and nine      to convince all that are ungodly          pain, sorrow, toil.                  pleased God"  And how do we please                                             /
  85.   years: and he died.                   among them of all their ungodly deeds                                          God?  "If you love me keep my comma-                                           /
  86. 5:28 And Lamech lived a hundred         which they have ungodly committed,    "cursed" (arar)                          ndments."  The true believer has the                                           /
  87.   eighty and two years, and begat a     and of all their hard speeches which     A bitter curse.                       desire to keep the commandments of                                             /
  88.   son:                                  ungodly sinners have spoken against                                            God as the foremost thought in his                                             /
  89. 5:29 And he called his name Noah,       him.                                  "Shem" (shem)                            mind. And the basis for this desire                                            /
  90.   saying, This same shall comfort us  Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being          Name, renown.                         is through faith that the Lord is                                              /
  91.   concerning our work and toil of       warned of God of things not seen as                                            the righteous eternal supreme Being                                            /
  92.   our hands, because of the ground      yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark "Ham" (cham)                             that the Scriptures say He is.                                                 /
  93.   which the Lord hath cursed.           to the saving of his house; by the       Hot, warm.                                                                                                           /
  94. 5:30 And Lamech lived after he begat    which he condemned the world, and                                             "he had this testimony"                                                         /
  95.   Noah five hundred ninety and five     became heir of the righteousness      "Japheth" (yepheth)                        The writer of Jude further informs                                           /
  96.   years, and begat sons and             which is by faith.                       Expansion, enlarged.                   us that Enoch was a prophet.  That                                            /
  97.   daughters:                                                                                                            he spoke words concerning the judg-                                           /
  98. 5:31 And all the days of Lamech were                                                                                    ment of the Lord.  The Words from                                             /
  99.   seven hundred and seventy years                                                                                       Jude seem to parallel what is writ-                                           /
  100.   and he died.                                                                                                          ten in one of the three apocryphal                                            /
  101. 5:32 And Noah was five hundred years                                                                                    books purportedly written by Enoch.                                           /
  102.   old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and                                                                                    These books are very interesting,                                             /
  103.   Japheth.                                                                                                              but appear to many scholars to cont-                                          /
  104.                                                                                                                         ain some fictional material.  The                                             /
  105.                                                                                                                         Arabs have a tradition that Enoch                                             /
  106.                                                                                                                         invented writing and that he did                                              /
  107.                                                                                                                         leave writings.                                                               /
  108.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  109.                            MATTERS OF CONTENTION                                                             MATTERS OF CONTENTION                                                                    /
  110.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  111. "All the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years:"          "blessed them"                                                                                                          /
  112.    Scholars and skeptics have long pondered and debated over the listings       Accepting that the ancients lived a much longer life span, and being of                                               /
  113.  of the ages of the patriarchs prior to the flood.  The most skeptical         a inquiring mind, to what can we attribute this longevity?                                                             /
  114.  would of course say that it is just another Biblical "myth".  But they                                                                                                                               /
  115.  must contend with the many other writings and traditions that agree that       Genetic purity:  Many scholars have proposed that the Creator had given                                               /
  116.  early man lived a longer lifespan.  The Persians, Egyptians, Hindus,          Adam a perfect body and wonderful genetic structure.  That the offspring of                                            /
  117.  Greeks and many others had traditions of a longer life.  Flavius Josephus,    Adam and Eve would inherit this wonderful quality and the result would be                                              /
  118.  the Jewish historian had this to say in his "Antiquities of the Jews"         that there would be few things to deterioriate the body structure.  Harmful                                            /
  119.                                                                                gene mutations would require a number of generations to occur and multiply.                                            /
  120.  "Now I have for witnesses to what I have said, all those that have written                                                                                                                           /
  121.  Antiquities, both among the Greeks and barbarians; for even Manetho, who       Environmental purity:  Unless the Creator purposely created harmful bact-                                             /
  122.  wrote the Egyptian History, and Berosus, who collected the Chaldean Monum-    eria and other harmful elements, they would not be present.  It would also                                             /
  123.  ents, and Mochus, and Hestiaeus, and besides these, Hieronymus the Egypt-     take many generations for good organisms to mutate into less desirable                                                 /
  124.  ian, and those who composed the Phoenician History, agree to what I here      organisms that would attack the body. We have examples of this in the world                                            /
  125.  say: Hesiod also, and Hecataeus, Hellanicus, and Acusilsua; and, besides      today when some plants and animals been have transported to a new and                                                  /
  126.  these, Ephorus and Nicolaus relate that the ancients lived a thousand         distant continent.  In some cases they have left behind their enemies and                                              /
  127.  years."                                                                       there are few enemies in the new territory.  In such a case the transported                                            /
  128.                                                                                plants or animals have thrived wonderfully in their new home.  Sometimes to                                            /
  129.   Many scholars have proposed that possibly the calender was considerably      the point that the transported items multiply excessively and become severe                                            /
  130.  different in those days.  Some have proposed a 28 or 30 day year to corr-     pests or weeds.                                                                                                        /
  131.  espond to the lunar cycle.  But then if Enoch and Mahalaleel had sons at                                                                                                                             /
  132.  age 65, they would in actually be less than six of our years old, this         Food Types and purity:  A similar principal applies to the food that early                                            /
  133.  seems unlikely.  The majority of findings in the middle east indicate that    man ate.  The Bible indicates that they were primarily vegetarians and of                                              /
  134.  many of the ancient societies used a 360 day calendar for their year. This    course they ate all natural foods with little processing.  Therefore it is                                             /
  135.  we have inherited in our mathematics with the 360 degree circle.              proposed that their diet was more conducive to a long healthy life and was                                             /
  136.                                                                                devoid of the many unhealthful chemicals, concentrates and other unhealthy                                             /
  137.   Some scholars have proposed that instead these are "dynasties" of a          constituents that our foods now contains.  As modern medical scientists are                                            /
  138.  family line of kings and that only the names of the most prominent are        continuously informing us, the proper food significantly decreases bodily                                              /
  139.  given.  Since other ancient written records have listed ten different         diseases and deterioration.                                                                                            /
  140.  names, that possibly there was a symbolic tradition connected with the                                                                                                                               /
  141.  number ten.  However, the considerable overlap of the lives of the patria-     Atmospheric differences:  Of course their atmosphere would have few of the                                            /
  142.  rchs does not seem to be consistent with the concept of "dynasties" unless    undesirable chemicals that our modern processing puts into the atmosphere.                                             /
  143.  they ruled over entirely separate territories and peoples.  And this would    Many scientists point out that this would be only of minor importance.  The                                            /
  144.  not be consistent with a continuous familyblood line which seems to be the    early chapters of the book of Genesis describe an atmosphere that seems to                                             /
  145.  intent for providing the genealogy.                                           differ considerably from that of today.  Those who propose the "vapor                                                  /
  146.                                                                                canopy model" believe that there was a warmer, more humid, more uniform                                                /
  147.   Also scholars have proposed that the listing cannot be complete, that        atmosphere with the heavy vapor canopy providing a filtering effect.  They                                             /
  148.  there must have been large gaps in the listing.  That the origin of man in    propose that as the ozone layer does today, the vapor layer would filter                                               /
  149.  the area appears to have been long before the 4004 B.C. which has been        out the harmful radiation from space, and to a much greater extent.  That                                              /
  150.  calculated from the Biblical text.  That some writings and traditions would   a heavy vapor layer would filter out a very significant portion of the                                                 /
  151.  place the origin of man to be many thousands of years before.  That archa-    radiation that cause tissue and gene deterioration and mutation.                                                       /
  152.  eological evidence indicates that intelligent man had been on the earth for                                                                                                                          /
  153.  many tens of thousands of years.  While others would point out that the        Some scientists have proposed a theory that there has been a very sign-                                               /
  154.  archaeological evidence is rather incomplete, difficult to interpret and      ificant increase of radiation since the early days.  That this increase of                                             /
  155.  difficult to reliably date.  That many have interpreted the evidence as       radiation was due to a near celestial event, a super-nova.  That this near                                             /
  156.  would seem to best support their strongly held preconceptions!                nova star continues to bombard the earth with a significantly greater level                                            /
  157.                                                                                of radiation.  They theorize that this factor alone is the major cause of                                              /
  158.                                                                                the decreased life span of today as compared to that of earlier man.                                                   /
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